When creating your thread, please read the format below:
Your Steam name:
Your Steam64 ID: (This is cataloged and used to unban you)
Your Discord ID: (If applicable)
Your In-game character name: (If applicable)
Who banned you?:
Why were you banned? (You can copy & paste the ban reason if applicable)
Why should you be unbanned? (This should be at least a short paragraph long, three sentences)
Time of occurrence:
Any additional members involved:
- You can use this website to find SteamIDs
- You must post your Steam64 when posting an appeal
- The staff member who has banned you, tag them using '@their-username'
- This includes additional parties involved
- If a field is not applicable, skip it
Your Steam name:
Your Steam64 ID: (This is cataloged and used to unban you)
Your Discord ID: (If applicable)
Your In-game character name: (If applicable)
Who banned you?:
Why were you banned? (You can copy & paste the ban reason if applicable)
Why should you be unbanned? (This should be at least a short paragraph long, three sentences)
Time of occurrence:
Any additional members involved:
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